If you’re in the Metro Detroit Area, Total Axe has reservations, walk-in throwing, and even league play at prices that can’t be beat. We even offer a selection of unique Upgraded Experiences unlike any others.
The Basics of Axe Throwing
Throwing an axe is very simple, but takes some practice. It’s similar to throwing many things, but still different enough for most people to need a little help. If you’ve ever thrown a baseball, the first time you did it, it may have felt “natural”, but was actually terrible. Nolan Ryan didn’t start out throwing 96 mph fastballs. It takes a little work.

Find Out More
If you’re looking for a new hobby, this might be just what you need. Venues typically offer group reservations and many have leagues. Learn about the basics like What is Urban Axe Throwing? and get tips like 5 Steps to Becoming an Axe Throwing Champion.
The Axe Throwing Community
The Sport of Axe Throwing Facebook group is now over 9,000 members. The members of this group, and the entire community, hail from all different countries, states, provinces, and towns. All different venues, organizations, and clubs. All different targets, boards, or stumps. It’s that axe throwing is unlike any other hobby. Not because of the axes, or competition, but because of the people.

Find a local club near you.
If you live in a city, you might find a local axe club nearby. These clubs usually host events throughout the year, so check out their website to see what’s going on. You can even start your own axe throwing league. You can find places to practice near you on our Google Map.
Book Your Session Now.
Axe throwing is a lot of fun and there are lots of different ways to play. Each club has their own style of throwing and may offer different items to throw, like stars, knives, and even shovels!