Throwing an axe is very simple, but takes some practice. It’s similar to throwing many things, but still different enough for most people to need a little help. If you’ve ever thrown a baseball, the first time you did it, it may have felt “natural”, but was actually terrible. Nolan Ryan didn’t start out throwing 96 mph fastballs. It takes a little work.
Two-handed Grip
When throwers at Total Axe pick up an axe for the first time, we start with a two-handed throw. This is the easiest way to learn the fundamentals of the throw. The dominant throwing hand grips the axe first, tightly enough to have complete control, but loose enough to let it slide out as it comes forward. The other hand wraps around your throwing hand for support and balance.
Axe Throwing Stance
Most people stand anywhere from 10-16 feet away from the target for a single rotation. When the thrower releases, the opposite foot should be in front – left foot for right handers and vice versa. This is more important as throwers transition to a one-handed throw. During a stationary throw, throwers begin with the axe behind their back and their weight over their back foot. The thrower brings the axe forward as their weight shifts to the front foot.
Keeping the wrist fixed in place similar to a chopping motion, the thrower brings the axe forward and releases as their arms straighten out in front of them. Depending on height and whether there is any movement from the wrists, each person’s release point varies. People with a history in throwing sports tend to still flick a little as they release. This causes the axe to rotate faster and they need to move forward to compensate for this. Advanced throwers also flick as they release in an effort to get as close to the foul line as possible.
That’s all there is to throwing. Do these simple things and everything will go in the bullseye (with some practice, of course).