Hey… It’s me, Representative from Total Axe Throwing in the Metro-Detroit Area. I just wanted to stop by and say that I noticed how long of a week you’ve been having. It isn’t easy, I’ll be the first to admit it. There’s so much to do! Go to work, do laundry, grocery shop, pick your kids up from soccer practice but then remember that they’re actually at karate tonight so you have to turn around and drive in the opposite direction only to find out that their “father” was already there to pick them up but he didn’t communicate that to you which is a whole separate issue but aggravating nonetheless. Like I said, long week. You deserve a night out.
Let Total Axe help! Whichever way you like to relax at the end of a hectic week, we’re here for you. What is axe throwing?
Stress Relief
Everyone needs a way to get all that pent up anger and frustration out. After a long week, all that stress can manifest physically. Some people box, and others throw rocks at geese. We here at Total Axe don’t recommend either of those things. Instead, why don’t you chuck some axes at wooden targets? That way no one gets hurt, and we don’t have to call animal control. There’s something so satisfying about getting to launch a piece of steel into a target, and having it stick. We’ll be the first to tell you that it doesn’t take a lot of strength to stick the axe, but it sure does feel good when you do.
Maybe you’re the type who unwinds best by hanging out with your closest friends. Well, we can help with that, too! Bring as many friends as you want, and have a night out. Order some pizza, have a little bit of friendly competition, and enjoy yourselves to the fullest. You’ll get to enjoy each other’s company all while doing something fun, new, and exciting! Just don’t invite Stacy. God knows she’ll ruin the whole thing by trying to steal someone’s husband, again. If you’re looking for new friends, there are even axe throwing leagues for less than $15/week.
A Whole New World
What better to forget about the problems of your week than to do something that has literally nothing to do with the aforementioned problems? Luckily for you, when you walk in the doors of Total Axe Throwing, all you have to worry about is bullseyes. We promise* that once you’re inside, you won’t have to worry about your quarterly budget analysis, your student loans, or if Mark and Stacy are happy together.
Join us for a night out!
It’s really easy to use the same few stress relief techniques to relax after a long week. We encourage you to do what you have to do to stay on top of your mental health. But if you’re looking for something new to relax with, stop on in. Also, we only kind of mentioned it earlier, but please do not throw rocks at geese. Throw axes at targets instead.

*We can’t actually make that promise. We don’t have control of your brain like that. We just hope that you won’t have to worry about all that stuff.