We’ve Made it to Our One Year Anniversary All Thanks to You!
From the bottom of our heart, thank you. We cannot even begin to explain how wild the first year of Total Axe has been. But we owe a successful first year to the community. Anyone who has come for walk-ins, a group event, been in a league (and especially anyone who has been in multiple leagues), and anyone who has come for a tournament—we owe it all to you. There have been some ups and some downs, but that’s expected. The good thing is that the ups significantly outweigh the downs. It’s all worth it. We’re going to keep being us, innovating when we can, and being a staple of the axe throwing and Metro Detroit communities for a long time to come.
As a token of our gratitude,
we’ll be offering free throwing on the evening of November 21st (our actual one-year anniversary) to celebrate. Stop on in to get some free throws. Whether you’re practicing for league, trying it out for the first time, or getting back into the swing of things, we’ll be happy to have you. If you’re in the wonderful community we’ve built, bring a friend and stop by! Now might be a great chance to get a friend hooked. Or to finally introduce that special someone to your hobby.
Onward and Upward
We hope that through Total Axe, you’ve made some memories, made some friends, and had some fun. We expect to keep supplying you with those things for the long, foreseeable future. Since our inception a year ago, we’ve been focused on growing as a staple of the axe throwing world and growing as our own individual axe throwing community. That’s not going to change. We have every intention to keep pushing our throwers and the sport further with each new event, season, or ridiculous idea. The first Marathon Man League is in the books, and we’re already thinking about the next. We’ll keep hosting tournaments and events if people keep asking for them.
Thanks again. Your continued support doesn’t go unnoticed. Until next time!