Read part one about the 2023 championship here. In January, Total Axe will be hosting the 2023 Michigan Axe Throwing Championship. Since our last post, we’ve received a lot of constructive feedback that we want to incorporate into this event. Our goal is to make tournaments run more efficiently, lessen the downtime between matches, and give throwers the chance to play in more tournaments without having to choose between two.
Swiss-System, 4+ Matches for Everyone, Little Downtime
After several discussions, we’ve decided to make all of the entry dates a Swiss-system tournament. Instead of seeding players in a bracket, every player will be re-ranked after each round. The worst part of paying a lot of money for a big event is the worry of only getting two matches. This way, everyone is guaranteed more matches. Players with similar records will be matched against each other, and undefeated players will still play amongst one another. By doing so, it eliminates brackets and having to jump back and forth between upper and lower. This means that players will have very similar waiting times between matches and everyone plays an equal amount, whether you go 4-0, 0-4, or something in the middle. Assuming each day starts with 32 players, everyone will be guaranteed 4 matches. At the end of the day, 2 players will finish with a 4-0 record and 8 will finish 3-1. Those 3-1 players will throw one more match and the four winners will join the 2 undefeated players on February 5 in a standard bracket.
Pre-Sale and Possible Big Axe Addition
A lot of people have asked us to add big axe to the event. With the new format experiment, we don’t want to overextend ourselves, so we want to gauge the popularity before we have to retract an event. Because of this, we’re going to have a pre-sale on Thursday, November 24. At noon eastern, we’ll be selling 16 entries for the January 14 and January 21 dates. We’ll use Thursday’s data to see if there’s enough interest in the tournament to add on a big axe bracket as well.
Sponsorship Opportunities
We’ll continue to look for sponsors to help us offset the cost of this tournament. If you want to sponsor this historic event, you can send inquiries to Lane sponsorships are available for $100 and will be left up for the month following the tournament. T-shirt sponsorships are $250 and the Featured sponsorship is available to $1,000, which includes branding on all future advertisements for the event, t-shirt sponsorship, and lane sponsorship over the finals lanes.