Registration for 2022 Skillz is live here.
Saturday, October 8, we’re FINALLY hosting a skillz event. We’ve taken suggestions from everyone in the community. We then threw every single one of them at the wall, and ran with everything that stuck. Starting times are subject to change and may need to move forward or back depending on turnout.
Early entry for each event is $10/thrower with half of the money going to the prize pool. Register for all events for $60 and save $30.
Event Prizes
The winner of each event will be given a trophy and prize money. Individual events will payout according to the table below. Prizes may be rounded off to the nearest $5.
Entries | 2-15 throwers | 16-31 throwers | 32+ throwers |
1st | 100% | 65% | 40% |
2nd | 35% | 30% | |
3rd/4th | 10% each |
Player of the Tournament
In addition to individual prizes, we’ll also track the top players of the tournament. 10% of each individual event’s prize pool will go towards the Player of the Tournament pool. The top thrower will received 50% of the pool. 2nd and 3rd will received 30% and 20%, respectively. Points are awarded as follows
Advancing through a heat | 1 point |
Winning a semi-final match | 1 point |
Winning the finals | 3 points |
Every participant will get three practice throws for each event prior to the first heat. Each heat will start with up to 8 people, 2 of which will advance. The final 4 of each event will play a single-elimination bracket for the championship. Each event will use standard IATF scoring with the addition of lower clutches at the same distance from center as the upper clutches. Foot faults will be observed on each pair of lanes, but will not extend across the entire heat. No house axes will be provided for this event, but stars and shovels will be. Stars and shovels must be made by Cold Steel or other design approved by Total Axe.
Around the world heats (Events 2, 4, and 7) will finish when 2 players have completed the objective, or 15 throws have passed, whichever comes first. The final four will consist of a 1-on-1 single elimination bracket of 1 game per round.
Sudden Death heats will conclude when only 1 or 2 players remain. The final four will consist of 1-on-1 sudden death matches.
All other events will consist of 15 throws with clutches active every 5th throw. Sudden death throws may be required so that only 2 advance. The final four for each of these events will be a single-elimination bracket of 2 out of 3 games per round – 5 throws per game.
Event 1 – Ambidextrous
Each person throws two axes, one in each hand, at the same time. The second axe must leave the throwers hand before the first one hits the target. Heats are 15 throws.
Event 2 – Big Axe Around The World (Vertical)
Throwers must hit each zone in order to advance to the next zone. The order is Lower 1, Lower 3, Bullseye, Upper 3, Upper 1, Top Clutch, Bottom Clutch. For non-clutch throws, a majority of the axe in the target must be in that zone of the center board only.
Event 3 – Multiverse
In multiverse, throwers change the number of rotations for each throw. Throws 1 and 2 are single rotation. Throws 3 and 4 are 1.5 rotation. Throw 5 (clutch active) is double rotation. Preliminary sets will consist of 3 sets in this manner.
Event 4 – Around the Stars
Around the World, but with throwing stars. The order is Left board 1, Left half 3, Bullseye, Right half 3, Right board 1, Upper-left Clutch, Upper-right Clutch, Lower-right Clutch, Lower-left Clutch. The star is scored with the point closest to center, which means if one point is in the 3 and one is in the 5, the point in the 5 is scored.
Event 5 – Shovels
Shovels are played and scored just like standard hatchets. Clutches are open every fifth throw.
Event 6 – Sudden Death
In Sudden Death, every throw can be your last. The highest throw (and ties) continue to throw. All other throwers are eliminated. Clutches are mandatory on every throw after the fourth throw, and each throw must alternate between upper and lower clutches. The final bracket is played 1-on-1 single game only.
Event 7 – Hatchet Around The World (Vertical)
Hatchet Around The World is played the same as Big Axe ATW. Throwers must hit each zone in order to advance to the next zone. The order is Lower 1, Lower 3, Bullseye, Upper 3, Upper 1, Top Clutch, Bottom Clutch. For non-clutch throws, a majority of the axe in the target must be in that zone of the center board only.
Event 8 – 1.5 Rotation
1.5 rotation is scored the same as standard hatchet, but each throw must consist of a 1.5 rotation.
Event 9 – Doubles
Doubles is scored the same as Ambidextrous. Players must throw at the same time. The axe must leave the second thrower’s hands before the first axe reaches the target.