All leagues and tournaments at Total Axe Throwing use World Blade League Rules, listed here. Last updated 12/24/2022. The most up-to-date rules can be found on the WBL website.
- Targets
- The main target contains 6 concentric circles, labeled from 1-6 points, centered 60 inches from the ground.
- Outside of the main target, there are 4 smaller targets, one in each corner. The 2 higher targets are centered 74 inches from the ground and the 2 lower targets are centered 46 inches from the ground. Each corner target is labeled with 3 rings, label 3, 5, and 7 points.
- Throws that land in the boards outside of any circles score no points.
- The foul line is placed 12 feet from the target for adults, 10 feet for youth.
- Equipment
- Axes must measure between 13 to 19 inches in total length.
- Axes must have no more than one blade, spike, or sharp edge. The blade must measure 4.25 inches or less from point to point.
- Gameplay
- Games consist of 5 throws. Matches consist of 3 games (total of 15 throws).
- Players must throw a single rotation from behind the foul line. After releasing, both feet must contact the ground behind the foul line. Failure to do so results in a loss of throw. Touching or crossing the line before both players have thrown results in a loss of throw.
- The blade of the axe must be stuck in the target to score. Players score the innermost zone that the head of the axe is touching.
- The main target must be used for the first throw.
- Players must indicate if they are aiming for one of the corner targets
- If a corner shot has not been indicated, only the main target is in play.
- If a corner shot is indicated, the main target is not in play
- After hitting one of the corner targets, that corner is “closed out” and does not count for the rest of the game.
- The person in the lead must declare their intent first. If the game is tied, either player may declare their intent or attempt to reach an agreement. If an agreement cannot be made and no player declares their intent, each player must aim for the main target.
- On the last throw of each game, the player who is behind must indicate their intent before the player in the lead.
- Match win is awarded to the player who wins the most games. Ties count as half of a win.
- Choice of side/Order of Throw
- During the regular season, side is chosen by coin-toss or rock-paper-scissors. During playoffs, the higher seed may choose their starting side.
- During all throws, players throw together.
- Attendance
- Players must check in before matches start. Players who do not check in before the start of league are considered absent for the night.
- Players must attend 70% of the season to be included in the playoffs. No make-up games are provided.
- Each player gets 5 practice throws before their first match. Players may have 1 practice before each match thereafter.
- Each week of the regular season consists of 6 matches per player.
- League Playoffs
- The last week of league is a double-elimination tournament. All players compete for the championship.
- Standings are determined by player average.
- Ties in standings are broken by total points scored, then wins, then a coin toss.
- In the event of a tie game in the tournament:
- Each player will throw together until the tie is broken.
- Players start overtime aiming at the main target only.
- If both players have hit a bullseye, it is closed out and the corners are the only targets in play. Once a corner target is hit, it is closed out until all 4 corners have been hit.
- If both players are still tied after hitting all 4 corners, play continues in the same pattern, starting with the main target.
- Games per round
- Matches are played until one person wins 3 games (3 out of 5).
- When only four players remain, matches are played until one person wins 4 games (4 out of 7).
- The last week of league is a double-elimination tournament. All players compete for the championship.