We have a couple dogs on staff at Total Axe and we allow friendly dogs so long as they behave (no barking or aggressive behavior, just like the humans we allow in). If dogs make you uncomfortable for any reason – allergies, fears, etc – please let us know and any dogs present will take a break in the office for the duration of your stay.
Dolly Pawton Bubel
Director of Paw-perations
Dolly was born May 4, 2022 and has been on staff since July 2022, when she was 8 weeks old. She is a mix of Australian Cattle Dog, Border Collie, Australian Shepherd, English Shepherd and others. Her hobbies include getting belly rubs, tug-of-war, chasing tennis balls, eating tennis balls, and running at full speed until her heart nearly explodes. Her duties include guest relations, spider identification and occasional removal, and assisting all league runners. Dolly works most Fridays, Saturdays and every league night.

Spencer Anthony Pickutoski-Darga
Assistant to the Director of Paw-perations
Spencer was born April 24, 2023 and has been on staff since June 2023. He is a mix of Chihuahua, Rat Terrier, Small Poodle, Miniature Pinscher, Toy Fox Terrier, and Pekingese. Spencer currently assists Dolly most Saturdays and also acts as leaf hunter and crumb exterminator. You can follow him on TikTok @SpenceUnderTheFence.